Monday, February 15, 2010

Week 7: Extra Credit Post

This week's blog post is available for extra credit purposes only.  There is no regular blog post this week

For this week's post, students are to read a few post on John Stossel's (pictured above) blog from Fox Business News.  Students are to pick 3 different posts (click on "Browse Posts" about halfway down on the right to view more posts) to read and respond to.  Be sure to include the title of the post and YOUR opinion on the post. (Do NOT just summarize the post...tell me what you think).  Is this guy full of it or should he continue to preach on? Why?  Pick some posts that appeal to areas you are interested in. 

You must read/comment on all 3 posts for the 3 points.  Partial credit will not be given for this assignment. 

Due by Friday 2/19 @ Midnight
Word Count 300+

Monday, February 8, 2010

Week 6: Problems for Toyota

Problems continue for the #1 automaker in the world, Toyota.  Last week they started recalling several different models for sticky gas pedals and this week the #1 selling hybrid the Toyota Prius are to be recalled for problems with their brakes. 

For this week's blog, we are going  to flashback to Microeconomics and explore the consquences of this situation for Toyota, its competitors, and the auto market in general.  While I know it is tough to graph on this blog, I want you to think about the S/D graphs for Toyota, its competitors, and the auto-industry.  I also would like you to think about the firm graph for Toyota (does Toyota operate as PC, Monopoly, Monopolistic Compeititon, Oligopoly?).  Instead of graphing, describe what is happening in each of those 4 graphs (what line is shifting, what changes are occuring, etc.).  Then, when you are done, find an article online that supports your argument.  Explain why you chose that article and use at least 2 quotes from the article that support the changes you made on your graphs.  Please cite the article in your response. 

Due 2/15 (extra day thanks to President's Day!) @ 8pm. 

Monday, February 1, 2010

Week 5: Some time off

No blog post this week.  Enjoy the week off and focus on AE models!